Oregon Healthcare Financial Management Association

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We sincerely thank our sponsors for their generous support!

All sponsors are listed below. For more information contact: Suzy Eddleston, Sponsorship Chair at 541-385-6337, or Nicholis E. Ihnen, Sponsorship Co-Chair at 503-415-5461,

                                              Oregon HFMA Chapter Sponsorship Packages

Diamond Sponsors 


Asset Systems, Inc. http://www.assetcollect.com/
Delap LLP http://www.delapcpa.com/
Healthcare Outsourcing Network LLC http://www.healthout.com/
Healthfirst Financial http://www.healthfirstfinancial.com/
MDS http://www.meddatsys.com/
Moss Adams LLP http://mossadams.com/default.aspx
PNC Healthcare Group http://www.pnc.com/
Professional Credit Service http://www.professionalcredit.com/
Relay Health http://www.relayhealth.com/
Triage Consulting http://www.triageconsulting.com/


Gold Sponsors 

AKT LLP, CPAs & Business Consultants http://www.aktcpa.com/
HeRO Outsoursing http://www.herooutsourcing.com/
KPMG http://www.us.kpmg.com/index.asp
Merchants Credit Association http://www.merchantscredit.com/
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP http://www.orrick.com/
West Asset Managment, Inc. http://www.westassetmanagement.com/whoweserve/healthcare/
WIPFLI LLP http://www.wipfli.com/

Silver Sponsors
First Choice Health Network http://www.fchn.com/
Ricoh Healthcare (IKON) http://www.ricoh.com/
Outreach Services - PMSI http://www.outreachservices.com/
Trilogi http://www.trilogihealth.com/
XTend Health Care http://www.xtendhealthcare.net/
Bronze Sponsors
CIGNA http://www.cigna.com/
Columbia Bank https://www.columbiabank.com/
Hawes Financial Group http://www.hawesfinancial.com/
Healthcare Resource Group http://www.hrgpros.com/
Healthnet https://www.healthnet.com/
LifeWise Health Plan of Oregon http://www.lifewiseor.com/
Resource Corporation of America


Southern Oregon Credit Services http://www.socredit.com/
Valley Credit Service, Inc. http://www.valley-creditservice.com/